
Join our aFFFiliate community
For over 10 years we've been almost exclusively word-of-mouth driven. You'll be working with me, the owner, to share my excitement about the stuff I design. Affiliates is a new field for me, but I want to find the right people to work with, rather than the plastic insta-blah "OMG HERE IS MAH NEW FAVVVV" influencers. You know the type...that's just not my style. So I want to find products of ours that you honestly love and use, because that kind of reality comes through, and people--the kind of people I want to reach--know when you're talking out of your.... So, let's try it out. Share the love, drive some sales our way, and we'll happily give you some goods and/or cash as a thank-you.
Come aFFFiliate with us.
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Partnership opportunities
- Gifting
- Discount codes
- Affiliate marketing
- Additional opportunities